Yesterday, every time I typed a topic into a search engine, full page advertisements appeared. I told the resident computer expert (David) that my computer was demon possessed. He asked: "What have you been doing?"
Innocent little me? Honestly, I don't know. But somehow thirty-four run-of-the-mill little demons and one big ol' bad devil of a root virus had not only taken up residence, but organized a coup. This machine was no longer 'mine'.
Who did this? Why create mayhem for an anonymous stranger? How can someone, presumably, find pleasure in that?
It's beyond me.
However, I do know: If it weren't for David's expertise, I'd still be wandering around in the wilderness of annoying, unwanted advertisements.
Our lives can be taken over, too, by habits and ways of thinking that destroy our lives and the lives of others. God has given us a way out, in effect leading us out of the wilderness of self-destruction. Through Christ, God rescues and restores us. How cool is that?